My question is an extend to the question, How do you prepare for the stress of a real self-defense situation?How do you prepare for the stress of a real self-defense situation?
The thing is, fighting is not a thing to be taken lightly, even in a perilous situation.
On a boxing ring, if a competitor is being knocked out, people from the medical staff take immediately care of him. In a real fight situation, the guy that gets knocked out:
- Could fall on concrete.
- If he can't get up by himself, he has to wait for about 10 minutes until an ambulance shows up.
That's why I'm asking, in a case where you have to face more than one opponent, in a case where putting someone into submission is not enough to end the fight:
- Does knocking someone out by leading a punch to the chin (or somewhere else on the head) is willing to be lethal ?
- Could a brutal blow to the solar plexus leads to death ?
- I heard that a solid kick to the groin could also lead to death.
- Is it ok to break someone's arm (it won't kill him) if you are given the opportunity ? (Through a submission or something.).
How to be a fighter without being a murderer ?
Of course if such an opportunity is given to you, the best way not to loose a fight is to run away. I don't encourage people fighting when they can avoid the fight.