I want to become really good, I train 9 classes (1 hour each class ) a week. I want to do some solo work, will solo drills help me? I found some on youtube that I wanted to practice:
- sit outs- back and forth
- sit outs- around
- leg circles
- hip ups
- hip up triangles
- hip drive throughs
- bridges- side to side
- bridge turns
- compass drill
- flat roll
- shrimp backward to back roll
- elbow drags
- back roll to flat roll forward
- seal crawls
- leg high sit outs w/ push up
- forward and backward crawls
- side to side crawls
- half circle monkey hops
- from knees jump-ups
- wrestler's shots
- up downs from base
- sideways shoulder rolls
- s-turns
- s-turn hip-ups
- alligator push-ups
- scorpions
- backward scoots
- imaginary rope pulls
- backward shrimps
- forward shrimps
- shrimps in place
- explosive hip/chest pops
- plank hops
- low leg through push-ups
BTW is it possible to up my level in BJJ so that even if I am still a white belt (started 4 months ago) my skills are that of a blue belt?? I see blue belts being able to escape and choke you very easily. The Purple belts just let you play because they might breka you in two if they were serious. But I don't have anything specific that I would like to learn I just want to be able to choke and submit my opponents.
Right now in class I am white belt with 1 stripe (4 motnhs training), the coach showed us some chokes, how to open and the different guards, so my level is quite low. Thats why I wanted additional training. To speed things up.