I ask because Wong Fei-hung is a legendary martial artist, portrayed by such kung fu movie stars as Kwan Tak-hing (known to you through his nemesis in those films, Mr. Han from Enter the Dragon;)

But the most recognizable films for contemporary viewers are Jet Li's Once Upon A Time In China films, and Li was not study Nanquan, which includes Wong's Hung style.

  • What styles did Jet Li use in Tsui Hark's Wong Fei-Hong films?
  • 1
    The character he portrayed had very wide and low stances so probably changquan. Jet li himself was also a changquan medallist. Wong fei hung founded the style hung fist and in the movie, he taught 13th aunt "kumlar" sau. Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 0:47
  • @KristinaLex I'd say longfist 100%. He does all of the iconic longboxing movements, and it's arguably what he most excelled at. And Jet Li wiki confirms what styles he did learn. (Please do post a formal answer so I can accept! :) :) :)
    – DukeZhou
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 2:18


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