In ITF Taekwon-Do, what are the main differences between:

  1. Continuous motion
  2. Connecting motion

1 Answer 1


Continuous motion - links movements with no pause between the end of one movement and the start of another. Breathe in once, then breathe out in a continuous flow of air.

Connecting motion - completes a movement with one breath and one sinewave.

The breath should emphasize that the movements within continuous motion are not ending movements - they support the final movement. (Otherwise, you have no breath left for the remaining movements). The breath usually should emphasize that the movements within are also not power movements - they're supporting movements.

It is said that continuous motion begins with a block. I am trying to find out where in the encyclopedia that is stated, but it's hard because my copy is image-only, not searchable text. However, that the word "block" is used suggests a misunderstanding of the technique, since blocks can be strikes and throws (and vice-versa), and so it's not clear why the stipulation of "block" is mentioned.

It is also stated that connecting motion begins with one arm, and ends with the other (opposite arms). I think this is an error in translation; connecting motion begins on one "side" (not necessarily on one arm), and ends with the other side.

Source: Encyclopedia, Vol II (Gen Choi, Hong Hi), p31:

"One breath is required for one movement, with the exception of a continuous motion".

I suspect that the opposite arm and that thing about blocks is an interpretation loosely based on this tenet. I suspect that it's true in some cases, but not all cases. Such discussion of movements has never been a lengthy subject in my classes.

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