Questions tagged [historic-european]

Historical European martial arts (HEMA) refers to martial arts of European origin, particularly using arts formerly practiced, but having since died out or evolved into very different forms. Usually associated with fencing and swordsmanship, but also covers other armed and unarmed combat.

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HEMA Pells and Self-Training

Since the start of the pandemic, I have had a lack of people to fight. In any case, those that do want to fight don't want to come within 6 feet of me. :D (Additionally, pole-arms are not as studied ...
PipperChip's user avatar
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What European longsword schools use blades sharpened the entire length?

I've been noticing a lot of interest in ricasso work. This makes sense when facing polearms, where you need more leverage — there's even a theory in Asian sword that the two handed sword techniques ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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