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Is Ghost Kick applicable in street fight and how can we defend and anticipate it

Following this video of Ghost Kick. Is there a way to defend and anticipate this kick? Is it applicable to real street fight? Is it the same as close range roundhouse, Brazilian kick and kick from the ...
Avi's user avatar
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Can the Rolling Wheel kick (Kaitan Geri) of Kyokushin Karate be used on hard surfaces?

I have seen some knockout videos of the Rolling Wheel Kick mostly used by Kyokushin Karate practitioners. I wanted to know if it was invented just for that sport, or for fighting and brawling as well. ...
Nisarg Desai's user avatar
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4 answers

Kick with front leg vs. back leg

Is it more beneficial to kick with the front leg or the back leg while on a normal fighting stance (e.g. boxing, taekwondo, etc.)? I have practiced tkd for some time and I decided to quit practicing ...
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How fast should you be able to kick?

I have practiced TKD for a while and I am wondering at what point are kicks too slow. Let me give an example below: My height is around 176 cm at the moment and I timed both my roundhouse kicks and ...
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Best way to kick an opponent on the ground?

People with extensive street fighting experience typically recommend putting an attacker on the ground, either with strikes or a throw, and then kicking them until they can't get up. I was advised ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Strategy for defence in street fight for good kicker who throw punches in short distance

What is the best strategy for street fight when your rival is expert in kicks (Taekwondo black belt) and when you close distance he throws punches in very aggressive way and then reopens distance for ...
Avi's user avatar
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13 votes
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Low kicks vs high kicks in street fight

Many martial arts spend time in practicing high kicks, for instance to the face. Is there a situation in a street fight where high kicks would be the best choice? Why not prefer low kicks? With low ...
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