"Apollo choke" is the 10th Planet term for an arm triangle from bottom half guard:<sup>[1](https://www.ultimatejujitsu.com/forum/695/apollo-choke/) [2](https://www.10thplanetjj.com/threads/20753-Apollo-choke)</sup>

> **Apollo Choke**  
The Apollo choke is an arm triangle done when holding a lockdown half guard.
> - https://jiujitsulegacy.com/bjj-lifestyle/10th-planet-jiu-jitsu-terminology/

There are many instructional videos on this position e.g:

- [Lockdown 101 - Apollo Series - Jaws of Life to Apollo Control](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p7JM1CedBg8)
- [Arm Triangle Choke from Bottom Half Guard | MMA Submissions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Byl_lvMQYA0)

As for why it is called this:

> The main reason that Bravo began using different Jiu Jitsu terminology was for coaching purposes. Only he and his student know the instructions he’s given during a fight or match.