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4 votes

What is the name of the maker of this bokken?

I believe I have an answer for you about the manufacturer. There is a circle around the character, which is common in Japanese for use in brand names, logos, indicating special meanings, and so on. In ...
By137's user avatar
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What is the name of the maker of this bokken?

Your tracing isn't quite right: the bokken has a short down stroke at the top of the left character. The correct kanji is shown below, is pronounced "shin" or "arata", and means "new" in English. 新 ...
Tony D's user avatar
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Aikido locks/throws while wearing ken in the obi

Thanks to @Sardathrion I was able to "deduce" the correct answer. It is indeed Tachi Nage (as you can see here, for example: where Suga Sensei is ...
p.marino's user avatar
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2 votes

Aikido locks/throws while wearing ken in the obi

The closes I can think of is "tachi dori" although that is a set of techniques within the goshin no kata against bokuto, not with. Apart from that, I do not think there is a specific name to those. ...
Sardathrion - against SE abuse's user avatar
1 vote

Suburito - practicing indoors

I love the Suborito, it is large and heavy. Besides all the comments which are valid (e.g. diagonal cuts), from HEMA the first thing that comes to my mind if you want to practice using a large, heavy ...
Peter Kofler's user avatar

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