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13 votes

Why do people use the horse stance? Won't it expose you to groin shots?

The question asks why horse stances exist in martial arts in general. The horse stance gets a lot of bad press. Lots of people just make fun of it, saying that it leaves people vulnerable to kicks to ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
12 votes

How to effectively defend against a boxer with kicks

The subject of "puncher vs. kicker vs. wrestler" comes up a lot in martial arts. The general philosophy that's put forward is: "Don't box a boxer. Don't kick a kicker. Don't wrestle a wrestler." The ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
10 votes

How to do a good yoko geri (side kick)

You didn't give a specific problem you're having, so, it's hard to say what might be the problem. There are two primary elements to the kick: the chamber and the thrust. There is your starting ...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
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9 votes

Why doesn't Muay Thai use the Karate/Taekwondo front snap kick?

It comes down to the same reasons which hold for the different roundhouse kick: power and dmg vs. speed and predictability. Thai fighters have a different goal compared to karate and TKD fighters as ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
9 votes

Why do people use the horse stance? Won't it expose you to groin shots?

If you are doing the horse stance, doesn't it just expose you to groin kicks? Yes. So why do people use the horse stance if it is just going to leave them exposed for groin shots? The purpose of ...
mattm's user avatar
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8 votes

Any conditioning exercise that can prevent concussion caused by a punch or kick to the head or neck?

My first piece of advice is to see a doctor. If you are suffering something other than a concussion, that's important to know. However, if you are suffering concussions, you are risking your health ...
Bankuei's user avatar
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8 votes

Is the Push Side Kick a Taekwondo technique?

In the official Kukkiwon (WT/WTF) Taekwondo Terminology guide published in 2012 the listing is: Mireo-chagi(밀어차기): Pushing Kick A technique of pushing the opponent with the foot This is a ...
Andy Jeffries's user avatar
7 votes

Is there any practical use for high kicks (e.g. Jodan Mawashi Geri)?

"what's the point in high kicks if you can't use them in real life" Just because you can't - currently - doesn't mean others can't, or that you couldn't. It can vary a lot by kick - for example, ...
Tony D's user avatar
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7 votes

Are thugs more likely to kick or punch?

I take your premise to be that low kicks are the standard attack of thugs in assault situations. An extensive quantitative study on injuries from assault in the US suggests otherwise: Most injuries ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
6 votes

What does it mean to "chamber a kick"?

Chambering a kick means mainly actively pulling your heel to your glutes, ready to 'shoot' as explained in the other answer: By doing that, you prepare your body to produce as much power as possible. ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
6 votes

What kind of kick is this?

It's definitely not a tornado kick (dolgae chagi, 돌개 차기). It has a number of names, Americans tend to use wheel kick, in Korea it's more commonly known as a back whip kick and in the UK we tend to use ...
Andy Jeffries's user avatar
6 votes

Do spinning kicks present a risk of getting your back taken?

While my background is Karate, rather than BJJ, hopefully this answers at least part of your question. The first thing to remember is that this is a specialised technique. As I tell my students: 90% ...
Chronocidal's user avatar
6 votes

Muay Thai Roundhouse, step out at 45 degrees and preventing feet injury

The risk is not to the feet, but to the knees - and it is more likely to come from under rotation than over rotation. When you execute a roundhouse kick the torso rotates around with the hips turning &...
Rob O'Neill's user avatar
5 votes

How can I improve my defense speed?

Defense is harder than offense because reaction is slower than action. You have to see and recognize the movement, your brain has to process a response, and then you have to respond. So, there is a ...
Bankuei's user avatar
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5 votes

Is the Push Side Kick a Taekwondo technique?

ITF Pattern Moon Moo - moves 31 and 40 yes, ITF has Side Pushing Kick - its even in a pattern - it just happens to be at fourth degree. We spend a lot of time trying to get practitioners to kick ...
Collett89's user avatar
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5 votes

Hip issue with Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)

In my experience (~5 years of Shin Kyokushin in Tokyo - after ~25 years of other arts), Kyokushin tends to accept whatever you can make work in sparring, and doesn't care too much whether your mawashi ...
Tony D's user avatar
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5 votes

Simple workout for kicking/leg muscles

Kicking is more than just strength. There's speed also. Combining both gives you power. But since you asked just about the strength aspect, that's what I'll respond to. With barbells or dumbbells: ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
5 votes

How likely is it to get killed by a hopping side kick?

Lots of people fight full contact (muay thai, kickboxing, and full-contact karate systems like kyokushin) for years and take blows like this regularly - if the guys got up at the time and seemed ok, ...
Tony D's user avatar
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5 votes

Should you throw your crosses, jabs, uppercuts and hooks while tucking in your chin or cheek at the shoulder?

Apologies for the late answer. While I am shadow boxing, I always wonder if it's necessary to ... Yes. It is absolutely necessary that you do everything in your shadowboxing that you would do in ...
RoundHouse's user avatar
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5 votes

Identify Mystery WTF TKD Kick

You're probably referring to the "half turning kick" (sometimes called just the "turning kick", "twisting kick", or "45 degree kick") which goes by various ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
5 votes

Why numerous martial artists break their legs while throwing roundhouse kicks to opponent's legs?

There isn't really a "mistake", it's more of an unfortunate confluence of events. Any site that claims it takes X lbs of pressure to break a bone are sort of misleading. There are ...
JohnP's user avatar
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5 votes

Why doesn't Muay Thai use the Karate/Taekwondo front snap kick?

First of all, both approaches are valid and quite useful. A modern martial artist should be able to do both. Why the divergent approach? It's hard to say because it's so thoroughly a historical-...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
5 votes

Activate a car's airbag with a kick

No, at least not modern airbags. Since the activation depends on several sensors switching at the same time, and they typically need that the whole car is accelerated with 3-5g including the ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
5 votes

Activate a car's airbag with a kick

Possibly in an older car. If you are driving an early 1980’s car with airbags, then the little metal ball in the little tube behind the grill was forced to push the spring all the way back to the ...
Macaco Branco's user avatar
5 votes

Muay Thai vs Karate Kick Force

Thorough analysis of the study you provide would take considerable knowledge and a very long answer, but there a some factors evident in the article which bear mentioning: 1. Number of Participants. ...
Futilitarian's user avatar
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4 votes

Is Kicking with Shin is a weakness / advantage in Muay Thai?

Just start and increase conditioning your shins carefully. Usually you parctice on a lighter/softer heavy bag first, then you will go on to harder bags. In sparring you use shin guards that prevent ...
piebald's user avatar
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4 votes

One inch kick technique

Wing Chun has a training method that can lead to a 1 inch kick capabiity except it is not widely known or trained due to it being viewed as an advanced technique. The training method falls under "chi ...
Mrx's user avatar
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4 votes

How to counter martelo de negtiva

Step back away from the kick, or step closer to the attacker's body. If that kick always starts from a crouching position, it would be fairly obvious that your opponent is moving to that position, ...
Mike P's user avatar
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4 votes

Are broken toenails evidence of poor technique?

Yes, you need to be sure you hit with the foot part and not on the nail of the foot. The top of the foot itself is the main area to strike with and the toes are pointed to avoid the main impact on ...
mutt's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the name of the postition with the leg retracted (in japanese)?

引き /hiki/ meaning "pulling; drawing back" might fit, though it doesn't begin with w.
brazofuerte's user avatar
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