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5 votes

Hip issue with Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)

In my experience (~5 years of Shin Kyokushin in Tokyo - after ~25 years of other arts), Kyokushin tends to accept whatever you can make work in sparring, and doesn't care too much whether your mawashi ...
Tony D's user avatar
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What stretches should be done before performing Shotokan kata?

Stretching is somewhat of a personal thing, however there are a couple things to know. There are four different types of stretching, each with their own recommendations and hazards. Static stretching -...
JohnP's user avatar
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Hip problems and roundhouse kick?

As a brown belt you have already got a number of years of stretching behind you - did you notice any improvement that was related to that stretching (and wasn't a result of co-ordination improvement)? ...
slugster's user avatar
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Hip issue with Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)

I know this is an old question with an accepted answer but I'd like to add an important aspect. The questions states ...where your knee goes to the side and such, where I feel like my femoral head is ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
2 votes

How do I increase flexibility to achieve a full split?

As requested on another thread - commonly used techniques that should be avoided/the methods of old. DO NOT DO THESE tearing the muscles and holding them out to heal "in place" - several ageing ...
Collett89's user avatar
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Pain when performing mae geri and mawashi geri

I would add, per your details, you should focus on warming up. You didn't say if you warmed up, and you didn't say when you stretched or how you stretch - the devil is always in the details. So ...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
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Hip issue with Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)

This could be a ligament-stretching issue rather than a muscle-stretching issue, which is why it doesn't feel like stiffness. There are 2 stretches that can help with this: One is a partnered-...
Chronocidal's user avatar
2 votes

Hip problems and roundhouse kick?

Asking the Internet for advice on something like this isn't the best approach, because we don't know enough about you and your limits. The best thing would be for you to find a physiotherapist, or ...
Mike P's user avatar
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Hip problems and roundhouse kick?

I'll assume you're already doing a good amount of stretching for hip and thigh muscles. The next thing to work with is core muscles - tight quadratus lumborum, psoas, and serratus muscles can also ...
Bankuei's user avatar
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Stretching advices for kicking

To preface, static flexibility (the ability to achieve a fixed position at the extremes of a joints ROM and hold it), is not necessarily going to improve mobility (the ability of a joint to move ...
Rob O'Neill's user avatar
2 votes

Stretching for the split

You are at an advanced stage of stretching, given the numbers you provide. However, stretching does not increase your capability to stretch! Think of your muscles like putty. When you roll it so ...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
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Better foot technique with daily stretching

I would say there is a difference between good technique and properly performing high kicks. You can develop good technique practicing with lower kicks. For example, a side kick involves specific ...
Daniel Reis's user avatar
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Pain when performing mae geri and mawashi geri

TL; DR; - Stronglifts 5x5 and therapy devices. A slight bit of anatomy first. There are several muscles and tendons running through the back of the knee area (As well as ligaments). The heads of the ...
JohnP's user avatar
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How much time is required for heel stretch?

This is entirely dependent on your flexibility and muscle tension. Age also plays a factor as the younger you are the easier it is to stretch muscles out. You will have to stretch and test your ...
mutt's user avatar
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Is it okay to use a pulley to stretch?

Using a stretching aid to assist a stretch is fine as long as you take your time and don't use too much force (YMMV). In my experience, the very best aid for achieving progress in stretching (for ...
Zen_Hydra's user avatar
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How do I increase flexibility to achieve a full split?

I had been doing stretches just as instructed by many websites online but I never got to increase my flexibility all tht much. I then noticed that everyone who does splits here in Zambia and in all ...
Jang Chi Quan's user avatar

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