Can anyone produce video evidence of Aikido being used effectively against a resisting opponent who is not an Aikidoka?
- Must display classical Aikido technique (Kote Gaeshi, Ikkyo, Sankyo, etc)
- The person applying the technique must be an Aikidoka. Small joint manipulation is not only an Aikido phenomenon, so this video of Jacare using a wrist lock in BJJ would not count, nor this video of Shinya Aoki applying a standing armlock. In both cases, the martial artist is not an Aikidoka, and moreover the technique is not a standard part of the Aikido curriculum.
- Shodokan Aikido competition footage does not count since the rules are so restrictive that even the most basic instincts (clinching) are suppressed, to the point that I cannot consider it to be a "resisting" opponent. Moreover, since it is Aikido vs. Aikido I strongly suspect they "throw themselves" unnecessarily when a technique is "close enough".
Here is a pretty good example of a video which demonstrates Karate being used effectively. If someone could find a similar video for Aikido, that would be awesome.
I did Aikido for two years before discovering more "alive" arts like BJJ, Judo, Boxing, etc. I felt pretty duped when I could use nothing of what I learned against anyone who was trying to resist me. I would like to believe that there exist some people who can use Aikido, but I have yet to see any evidence of this.