I just joined a karate school. Their style is 'Isshinryu'. While using Google I found this. This is the excerpt from the article:
Recognize your physical limitations. If you are older or not very acrobatic, Wushu(China) probably isn't for you, but Tai Chi (China) might suit you nicely. Furthermore, recognize that striking martial arts like Karate or TaeKwonDo may or may not be well-suited for smaller physiques. The grappling styles of Judo, Aikido, or Jiu-Jutsu, while being close- combat styled martial arts, emphasize technique and leverage and therefore become more readily useful as you progress. Likewise the combative Chinese styles are all about technique and are less dependent on your being a particular height or weight to succeed
Does it really depend on the stature of your body while opting to learn some form of martial art?
my height : 5 feet 5 inches
weight : 58 kilograms