In wake of more and more terrorist attacks in Europe such as Paris, Nice, Munich as well as the rising frequency of mass shootings in the USA, I was wondering how martial arts deal with the treat paused by such attacks.
This is focused on martial arts, not generic survival nor Rule #1 Cardio tips.
I am interest in both the following: How can a martial art help in keeping oneself (and potential dependents) safe during said encounter? How can a martial art prepare one to take down such an attacker(s)? Clearly, taking out someone with a gun and a suicide vest leaves one very little chance of being alive at the end of the encounter and thus might not be a recommended course of action.
I strongly suspect that the answer is "nothing" and that would make a fine answer provided that evidence is used. Ditto for affirmative answers: I require hard evidence of any claim whatsoever. Good Subjective, Bad Subjective is essential reading.
What I am really not interested in whatsoever:
- Speculations
- Wishful thinking.
- Fabulous mystical power such as dodging bullets.
- Anecdotal evidence.
Any such answers should be mercilessly down voted into oblivion by everyone.