The BJA syllabus lists a number of non-kodokan names for throws. Some of them are clearly names for common competition variants,1 but some I have never heard of e.g. ashi-dori, which looks to me like kuchiki-taoshi.

What is the origin of these technique names?

BJA technique Kodokan technique Description
Kata-uchi-ashi-dori Kuchiki-taoshi Single leg grabbing from the inside
Uchi-kibisu-gaeshi Kibisu-gaeshi Ankle pick from the inside
Soto-kibisu-gaeshi Kibisu-gaeshi Ankle pick from the outside
Soto-ashi-dori-ouchi-gari Ouchi-gari Ouchi-gari performed after a single leg grabbed from the outside
Kata-hiza-te-ouchi-gake-ashi-dori Ouchi-gari / Kuchiki-taoshi Ouchi-gari, finished with kuchiki-taoshi
Yoko-kata-guruma-otoshi Yoko-otoshi A drop "kata guruma"

  1. Yoko-tomoe-nage, morote-seoi-nage, and te-guruma are well established [unofficial] names for other throw variants. The following names are new to me though:

1 Answer 1


These are indeed a proposed classification for competition variants. It was devised by then director of the British Judo Association Roy Inman in 2005, hence the inclusion of leg-grab techniques:

All judo techniques have their variations. For example, the 'circle throw' (tomoe-nage) may be performed either in the traditional way or to the side. This raises the issue of whether the two methods should be named as separate techniques. One school of thought is that they are simply variations on the same technique, while the other presents the view that, although the basic principle of the two variations may be similar, the different grip or direction of movement justifies them being regarded as distinct techniques (in this case, the 'circle throw to the side' should be called yoko-tomoe-nage).
This presentation supports the case for specifying and naming contest waza that have previously only been recognised as variations of the established techniques. The rationale for this is that it will assist coaches in the teaching and demonstration of contest techniques. To give an example; any leg-grabbing action (one of the highest scoring actions in major tournaments) will be termed simply 'ashi-dori', but the specific variation used may require different direction of force and/or hand placement.
The names used to describe the techniques in this research poster are not intended to be definitive, merely indicative. The paper proposes that appropriate bodies such as the International judo Federation or the Kodokan should look towards expanding the number of officially recognised techniques and addressing the issue of the correct names rests with them.
enter image description here

The apparent renaming of Kuchiki-taoshi to kata-ashi-dori, while retaining kibisu-gaeshi, was done presumably to use only explicitly descriptive names (and not metaphorical ones). I presume yama-arashi and tsubame-gaeshi would similarly be relabelled "kata-eri-harai-goshi" and "de-ashi-gaeshi" if they were included. Tomoe-nage is ubiquitous enough to have escaped such renaming.

Similar variant classification can be seen in the BJA terms for katame-waza:

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