I am learning Western Boxing and one of the most difficult parts of training for me is I tend to struggle quickly learning long combos "in-the-moment." For example, at training we will first do something like "Jab, cross, lead hook", then 5 mins later, add "cross, slip, lead hook, cross", and finally add "roll, roll, hook, cross". So, all of this together is a combination of 11 movements, and I will often struggle to remember bits and pieces of this, and even throw the wrong punches or moves, or completely freeze up. However, after probably repeating it correctly 10 times, I will get it... But then, we're moving on to another long combo already.
It seems according to the coach and people I train with that once I do actually execute the punches or defense moves, I do them pretty well, but it got me thinking: Is there any practical reason that the skill I am struggling with matters in a boxing match? I believe that in a match or even a sparring session, rather than trying to quickly memorize long combos, it's more about reacting, reading the opponent, and adjusting accordingly. Why bother with switching so many of these very long combos during training? Is this about the memorization or the repetition of the movements? Can the short-term memorization be improved?