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What should I do about a bully at work? [closed]

In my work, there is a person that disturbs me really harshly: he always bumps into my shoulder on purpose, he always curses me when he sees me, he always does from distance moves like he is punching ...
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Defense against sticks?

Are there possible strategies of defense against an opponent with a moderately light stick in a real life scenario (e.g. baseball bat)? What are the odds of winning the fight? And (just an interesting ...
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7 votes
3 answers

Why is the bob and weave not used much in MMA & Muay Thai or outside of boxing in general?

I have found a few examples detailing that bobbing and weaving is not as (if at all) effective outside of boxing, in scenarios where especially knees, kicks and elbows are involved. I understand ...
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