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Is Ghost Kick applicable in street fight and how can we defend and anticipate it

Following this video of Ghost Kick. Is there a way to defend and anticipate this kick? Is it applicable to real street fight? Is it the same as close range roundhouse, Brazilian kick and kick from the ...
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Kick with front leg vs. back leg

Is it more beneficial to kick with the front leg or the back leg while on a normal fighting stance (e.g. boxing, taekwondo, etc.)? I have practiced tkd for some time and I decided to quit practicing ...
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How fast should you be able to kick?

I have practiced TKD for a while and I am wondering at what point are kicks too slow. Let me give an example below: My height is around 176 cm at the moment and I timed both my roundhouse kicks and ...
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Low kicks vs high kicks in street fight

Many martial arts spend time in practicing high kicks, for instance to the face. Is there a situation in a street fight where high kicks would be the best choice? Why not prefer low kicks? With low ...
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