Judo has a lot of terms inherited from Japanese. Two such are renraku- and renzoku-waza. In the BJA syllabus these are translated as:

Renzoku-waza is the Japanese terminology for combinations of attacks that continue in the same direction. Renraku-waza are combinations of attacks where you CHANGE direction.

But this doesn't seem obvious from the usual meanings of the words in Japanese ("sequence [of techniques]", and "connected [techniques]" respectively). Is this an accurate description of how these judo terms are used in Japan? If not, how are they used?

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The Kodokan has expressed similar thoughts:

In parallel, there were request and discussions for the unification and explanation of Judo terms. Terms casually used such as Uchi-komi, Kakari-renshu, Yakusoku-renshu, Nage-komi, Sute-geiko, Renraku-waza, Henka-waza, Tachi-waza, Ne-waza, Suri-ashi, Ayumi-ashi, and Tsugi-ashi can be more or less understood by the kanji meanings but foreigners must understand these terms when these names are written in alphabets. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the meanings of these Judo terms in accurate English.

For the requests up until now, the Waza Research Committee classified them after repeated discussions and responded after translating into English. After this, production of a "Judo Glossary", that is an enhanced version of the "Kodokan New Japanese-English Dictionary of Judo" that was published in 2000, will be undertaken immediately.

While the aforementioned judo glossary is still unpublished, the original dictionary says this:

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