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Questions tagged [beginner]

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3 answers

Lack of training partner

I recently started my career as correctional officer, and these past 6 months have shown me I need to learn some type of self defense so that not only am more capable, controlled, and with the fight ...
Jerimiah Cutlip's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can beginner adults overcome initial nausea when learning rolling falls?

Beginner judo classes emphasize learning low-exertion, solo falling technique (ukemi), which involves rocking motions in multiple directions (back, left, and right) and generally progresses to rolling ...
mattm's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

If partner is using additional moves in drill, should you tell him not to?

This question is more about etiquette. Years ago I took some martial art classes that focused on striking. The other day I tried an intro class to Sambo. Overall it went well. The last thing we did ...
plantoplan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Martial arts for teen with arthritis

I’ve been diagnosed with arthritis since I was around 13. Now I’m 15 but my arthritis is in a pretty harsh condition. It affects my ankles, wrists and spine but I have learned how to work around it. ...
Eli K's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What is happening physiologically when the whole body violently shakes during standing qigong?

The very first time I did standing qigong (8 postures held for 5 minutes each, totalling 40 minutes), my arms and legs started to violently shake, not necessarily at the same time, and then there were ...
Jenny's user avatar
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2 answers

Is a dualistic perspective required to grasp nei gong?

I've started reading "Daoist Nei Gong" by Damo Mitchell, but I'm struggling with most of the concepts because I don't share the same metaphysical perspective. What prompted me to read it was ...
Jenny's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the advantages/disadvantages of learning a solo martial arts practice online at different levels?

The only martial art I have ever practised is taijiquan, when I lived in Newcastle. The standard of the classes was exceptional and now that I live in a completely different area of the country, I am ...
Jenny's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there specific martial arts that can help with (or at least not aggravate) sciatica?

My fitness level and flexibility are fairly poor and I would like to find a martial art that is complementary with yoga to help improve my overall physical wellbeing. Are there specific martial arts ...
Jenny's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

With whom do judo beginners train?

I'm thinking about starting judo. I'm 16 almost 17 years old and don't know much about martial arts. I would like to know if I start to practice judo how will the training be? I know that at the ...
André Santos's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Taekwondo: Is it too late to start TKD at 14 and still become an Olympian?

I’ve done research and a bunch of other people start at around 6 years old. I want to start it and hopefully make it to the Olympics and I’m willing to train every single day by myself. If I start ...
Question's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Is it ok to start taekwondo at the age of 14?

I am a 14 year old female and I've always wanted to try taekwondo, however I am not the most flexible of people, and I am concerned to whether that will affect learning the sport in any way. I've also ...
paige's user avatar
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13 votes
11 answers

Can I start training in tae kwon do at age 16?

I'm planning to start Taekwondo classes in a month but I just wanted to know if I have any chance being good at it to compete. Or am I a lost cause because I am 16 and people who go to national ...
luiza's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Strength training for a mixed martial arts beginner

I am starting MMA. Which excersises would be best to get my physical strength up to the levels of people doing MMA for years or experienced in MMA?
user2307270's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

How should a novice train if unable to join a dojo yet?

I have wanted to start learning a type of martial art for a long time, but my lifestyle didn't help (I have lived in 5 countries in the last 10 years, changed location at least once in each of those ...
0ana's user avatar
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