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8 votes

What is this name of this kind of joint lock?

This appears to be a hammerlock or "chicken wing", held with only one hand for ostensibly artistic purposes i.e. to imply Sherlock is so skilled he only needs to utilise a very small amount ...
brazofuerte's user avatar
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What is this name of this kind of joint lock?

In the Takagi-ryū of classical jūjutsu this could be considered a variation of "Ōgyaku dori". Some variants include having the arm collapsed behind the back like in the presented image and GIF. While ...
Atemi's user avatar
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How authentic is the Wing Chun in the Ip Man films?

The Wing Chun training and also the fight choreography for the Ip Man films is attributed to Sammo Hung who enlisted Master Leo Au-Yeung to assist - see: - having ...
James's user avatar
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What is the dominant martial arts style in Bruce Lee's on-screen fighting?

To be fair, you would have to catalog every technique from every movie (3, I think) and assign them to a "style" (but what's the point?). My immediate response, though, is that Lee's ...
Waterman's user avatar
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How can you withstand a female college student forcefully biting into your arm for 6 seconds?

Not unrealistic at all, imho, in that Philip is highly trained fighter. The bite Paige delivers is not determinative. Only pain is inflicted. There is no serious risk of loss of function of limb, ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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How can you withstand a female college student forcefully biting into your arm for 6 seconds?

I've watched this scene a few more times, and it's very good choreography, representative of the better work over the past few decades. Notice how relaxed Philip is during the grappling—Royce Gracie ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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How can you withstand a female college student forcefully biting into your arm for 6 seconds?

If you've watched some, for example, MMA fights, you may notice that fighters are generally tolerant to pain and injures got in process. And yes, it's really so - just because high adrenaline levels ...
user2501323's user avatar
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What fighting style is this particular cartoon character utilizing in the television show, "The Boondocks"?

Bruce Lee is what I most see. In the video 1: At 0:22 the character does Bruce Lee movie vocalization Although the loose hands are not exclusively from Lee. At 0:32 the character does Muhammad Ali ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Is this lightsaber body-turning move in Star Wars from Kenjutsu?

Here's the thing about real sword fights, Spinning and acrobatic tricks are largely useless because they waste energy. At 13:09 Dooku was using a divert blade maneuver then spin, to place a blade tip ...
LazyReader's user avatar
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What is this name of this kind of joint lock?

It's a fake lock but meant to imply use of pressure points by Sherlock's thumb and first knuckle Likely Aikido inspired, as there are legends of masters being able to submit foes by placing pressure ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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