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17 votes

How to fight even when exhausted?

Regarding cardio, there's a saying in fitness that being fit for cardio in an activity makes you fit for cardio in that area. Take someone who can run for two hours at a time, and tell them to attack ...
Macaco Branco's user avatar
15 votes

Is Kung fu useful for self defense?

Stances Like squats or push-ups, stance training is often not directly about fighting, but in acquiring strength, flexibility, and coordination. Acrobatics Modern wushu is closer to gymnastics, a ...
mattm's user avatar
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14 votes

Which will be the best style for kung fu for self defense for a weak person?

Protecting yourself from bullying has more to do about confidence than about martial arts. Learning martial arts will raise your confidence, but coming across as unsure and uncertain, even if you're a ...
Raf's user avatar
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14 votes

Is Kung fu useful for self defense?

I don't think it's possible to give an answer to such a broad question, other than to say something along the lines of It can be, to the extent that... It trains on realistic, damage-inflicting ...
Amorphous Blob's user avatar
13 votes

Measurement of the practicality of a martial art

No absolute measure I do not think an absolute measure can be determined as the skill, training, and physical differences between participants in addition to local environmental factors would make ...
Sardathrion - against SE abuse's user avatar
13 votes

Which will be the best style for kung fu for self defense for a weak person?

Source: Black Belt in Ju Jitsu First, I completely agree that learning to fight won't fix your problem; it'll probably just get you into trouble. However, learning a martial art is a great way to ...
Kalmino's user avatar
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13 votes

What is the general rule in the Martial Arts world regarding eye contact? Is making eye contact good or bad for avoiding fights?

Here's what I did to figure out how fights happen and how to predict who will win: I watched a ton of YouTube videos showing real, actual fights that happen in real life. Others have done a similar ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
11 votes

Why do we teach unrealistic bunkai?

The answer is simple: Because the vast majority of karate is taught by instructors who don't know what realistic bunkai is. And that's because their instructors were never taught it. And their ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
11 votes

Effectiveness of Bujinkan Ninjutsu

I trained in Bujinkan for less than a year, but it was a very rewarding experience which informs my martial arts to this very day. It is a library of classical jujitsu technique. Virtually anything ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
11 votes

Is it possible to fight while unconscious?

I'm generally opposed to anime questions, but there are a significant handful of MMA fights where one fighter is known to be semi-conscious yet still fighting. Edgar/Maynard 2 is my go-to example: ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
10 votes

Why don't we wear shoes in karate?

In Japanese styles, it is unquestionably about cleanliness. They don't wear outside shoes in one's home, and zori are used for that purpose. But zori make it somewhat difficult to train in, and as ...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
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9 votes

Which martial art uses "knee on neck" to subdue an opponent?

So I'm assuming that you mean someone sitting on another person putting pressure on their neck via their knee. I find this to be interesting timing for this question, because a few days ago a man was ...
LemmyX's user avatar
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9 votes

How to escape from a rear headlock while held at gunpoint?

You comply with whatever you are being asked to do. You are not going to escape that without being shot but on the other hand you have not been shot yet. That means that your captor wants you alive ...
Huw Evans's user avatar
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8 votes

Attacks against intoxicated individual with high pain tolerance

Pain is an unreliable factor to depend upon in self defense. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Between natural pain tolerance and adrenaline alone, things that would hurt like hell normally ...
Bankuei's user avatar
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8 votes

Taekwondo belt skills and level

Whilst it is of course possible and I agree with much of @Wigwam's answer. I think it is important to look at the benefits of the gradings themselves: dealing with pressure - you will be put under ...
Collett89's user avatar
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8 votes

Is 'pressure point' striking a useful skill to know in a street fight?

I have an answer that I wrote which goes over the pressure point "knock out" phenomenon: How do you knock someone out using pressure points? In summary, the pressure point knock-out stuff is either ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
8 votes

Would women with large breasts be able to fight?

I'm not entirely sure this question is serious, but what the heck. :) I've known female classmates in styles like Taekwondo and Kung-fu. They generally said that getting punched in the breast was ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
8 votes

How to counter a rear bear hug?

I did learn a different approach with more components in Krav Maga. Something very similar can be seen here, with groin strikes (move your hip to the side, hit with a hammer fist between the legs) ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
7 votes

Measurement of the practicality of a martial art

Short answer: MMA. Long answer follows... What we've learned about martial arts in the past two decades is that what matters most is how you train, not what you train. Style and techniques are ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
7 votes

Taekwondo belt skills and level

Is it possible? Well, we can send a man to the moon and bring him back alive, so it stands to reason that it is possible for you to stay at white until you're ready to test for black belt. Some ...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
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7 votes

Taekwondo belt skills and level

There's a pretty big contradiction in your question. You are not interested in belts, but you want to have a black belt. So which is it? If you aren't interested in belts you shouldn't be interested ...
IEatBagels's user avatar
7 votes

Suppose you know a martial art. How likely are you to get a chance to use it for self defense?

I'm sure you could crunch numbers with a very in-depth research, but if you want a rough estimate of your odds of being assaulted over a 12 month period, you can check the following link for a crime ...
Louis's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there any practical use for high kicks (e.g. Jodan Mawashi Geri)?

"what's the point in high kicks if you can't use them in real life" Just because you can't - currently - doesn't mean others can't, or that you couldn't. It can vary a lot by kick - for example, ...
Tony D's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is BJJ sold as a "self-defense" art when it does not allow slams?

Allowing slams (and hence teaching DEFENSE against slams) seems to be a crucial part of BJJ. But [they] don't they train that. Every BJJ gym I've trained at for more than a couple months has taught ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
7 votes

Is it effective to use a carabiner as tool in real fight?

As you suspect, using a carabiner like this will only damage your hand. Even brass knuckles are bad for your hand. But if you want to find out for yourself, you can just try it on a punching bag. Go ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
7 votes

How to train beginners to do basic self defense in a matter of days?

First-off, so-called "self-defense courses" that consist of some lessons over a few days are mostly a scam and, in my opinion and experience, are often doing more harm then good. These ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
7 votes

Tactical flashlight vs martial arts for self defense?

First a small disclaimer and apology: I didn’t feel my post rises to the level of an answer, but I couldn’t shorten it to fit as a comment. Theory and speculation are fun, but does anyone have first ...
MadMonty's user avatar
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6 votes

Why don't we wear shoes in karate?

Whilst I cannot answer the origins, there are many reasons why I still instruct barefoot to a barefoot class. Safety - when we involve blocks of kicks - any design in the shoes worn, hard plastics or ...
Collett89's user avatar
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6 votes

Danzan Ryu Jiu-Jitsu for self defense?

Classical jujitsu (such as Danzan Ryu) is an encyclopedia of techniques for grappling, striking, and weapons. How it is trained is typically by memorizing kata and performing it with a partner. Each ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar
6 votes

Could BJJ be used by itself as self defense?

There are essentially two types of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu schools today: 1) Self-defense first, sport later. 2) Sport first, self-defense is an afterthought. Knowing which type of BJJ school you ...
Steve Weigand's user avatar

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